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Exercise Physiology

Exercise can help children living with a broad range of chronic conditions, illnesses, and disabilities to improve their quality of life. Each child is different, and their exercise prescription should be individualised. At A8, our Accredited Exercise Physiologist is specially qualified to design and deliver safe and effective exercise interventions that are evidence-based and individualised to your child’s specific needs. They will work closely with doctors and other allied health professionals to ensure your child’s safety and well-being.

Exercises interventions can:

  • Promote improved health and wellbeing long-term

  • Assist the development of motor and coordination skills

  • Increase strength, flexibility, balance and mobility

  • Prevent or manage existing chronic conditions, pain and injuries

  • Support transition into, or improved performance in, extra-curricular activities

  • Improve lung and heart health, to increase endurance

  • Assist with weight management

  • Reduce the risk of falls and trips to increase safety and confidence.

Sessions are held at either Stepz Fitness at Toowong or the A8 Studio based on individual requirements.